
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Grows: Egg Shells for Calcium

Each winter I find myself wanting to save items for my compost.
And while I want to, I don't.
I know, I am not a die-hard composter. Yet.

So, in an effort to push away the guilt. I decided to start saving my egg shells.
Egg shells, you say?

Last year, I added egg shells to my soil beneath just my pepper plants.
My mom and I got our pepper plants the same day, planted them the same day, 
and my plants did substantially better! 

So I've been using my eggs as normal, and throwing them in a container.

Then when its almost full, I push them down to make room for more!

Now I'll have plenty of eggs ready for the entire garden when we get ready to prep the soil in the spring!

Are you gearing up for gardening season?
I can't wait. I find myself wanting to start my seeds way to soon. 
But. Only Another week or two and pepper and tomatoes are a go here in Zone 5!

1 comment:

  1. i keep all my egg shells and coffee grinds, those two dont get smelly and I always have them!


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