
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Organizes: Under the Bathroom Sink

Sorry everyone! This was supposed to go up yesterday, but I didn't think ahead! 
Construction equals no Internet! Oops.
(Lately, that seems to be happening more and more. Maybe it's the three kids under four?)

Anyways, last week I shared how I organized under my kitchen sink area.
Today I am sharing how I (similarly) organized under my sink in the bathroom!

Just like in my kitchen, I put down the sticky floor tiles for easy cleanup if anything spills or leaks.

I didn't have to clean this cabinet out, because it is new to us! 
(We are hopefully in the long stretch of our construction project.)
(Little by little we are chiseling away at things in there!)

Then I started out with a basket, just like in the kitchen.

 I added items that were needed quick, baby shampoo, baby washcloths, extra creams etc.

Then each container on the left has a "purpose"
One is hair items.
Extra ties, pins, curling iron, straightener.
I added a magnet to the box to hold my pins too!

The other one is cosmetics.
Makeup, lotions and such that I don't use everyday but want in arms reach.

We also have two drawer in the vanity that I have claimed as "His" and "Hers"
"His" has his razors, clippers, gels, deodorant and such.

While "Hers" has my hairbrush, some ties, deodorant, Ellie's hair bows ( for her bald head). 

Are you on an organizing frenzy?
I am!
With a small house, a family of 5, plus a golden retriever. 
I am working really hard to declutter, and organize what we have!

What's on your organizing agenda?

1 comment:

  1. I love the magnet for bobby pins! I just followed you on Google Friend Connect. I did the Linens and the Loo challenge too. I'd love it if you could pop over to my blog, check it out and follow me too :)

    Happy Friday!


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