
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Grows: 2013 Garden Plan

Last year, I worked up a plan to help me place my plants prior to having them ready. 
This helped me decide how many plans to buy/start and helped use my space.

Using the Square Foot Gardening method, I learned how to maximize my garden's space by knowing how close my plants could be. I've never done rows of plants because I normally only plant one or two plants per kind, and didn't think space wise it made sense for me.

So last year my garden looked like this:

Not bad. It really used the space well, and my garden actually looked just like the plan!
I planned it in advance, and took it outside when I was ready to plant.

This year though, I am planning an expansion! Yea! 
I will be opening up the right hand side of the fence, to add an extra 8'x16'!

So now, my garden will look like this:

And then filled in!

I'm not sure if I am crazy, or just over adventurous. But this year we will be adding some new plants to the garden!

So far they include: cantaloupe, edamame, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, horseradish, sage, corn and onions. 

If your trying to figure out which plants are which let me help you:
As- Asparagus
AS- Acorn Squash
Ca- Cantaloupe
Car- Carrots 
Co- Corn
GS-Green Squash/Zucchini
P- Potatoes
P-Peppers (Bell and Jalepeno)
SP- Sweet Potatoes
T-Tomatoes (Beefsteak & Cherry)

Not pictures on plan are out herbs too:
Basil, Dill, Chives, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary

And don't forget out fruit!
We have strawberry beds, blueberry bushes, peach trees, a raspberry bush/patch, and added apple trees this year!

Phew, this summer will be busy! Thankfully the boys love to help!

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding plans!!!! I created a plan a few weeks ago too and wish I did have the energy to plant as much as you are this year. However, i'm gonna simplify it this year a bit. Can't wait to see your garden grow ;)


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