
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Busy. Busy. Busy.

I always feel bad when I don't have more to share here!
But, lately life has just become so busy. Busy. BUSY!

As the days are getting warmer we are spending more time outdoors, playing in the garden, the sandbox and swings. Plus we have a tball player on our hands a few nights a week too! Plus three kids under the age of four, that alone makes blogging somewhat non existent!  Oh, and the fact someone dropped my camera doesn't help either. Boo. The list of things we are up to goes on and on.

So here's a quick little tee pee I made for the garden, using sticks and yarn. 
Nothing fabulous or permanent, just enough to grow some peas!

Hopefully I can finish up some loose ends on some projects to share soon! 

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