
Friday, June 14, 2013

Grows: Irises

When we first moved into our home ( 6 years ago!) I didn't have a single flower on our property.
Our front yard had hedges, and bushes and a random Christmas tree. No joke.
(I'll have to look for a picture of the Christmas tree....)

I have since ripped out the bushes and trees, and put in a flower bed out front. 
It took me a couple years until I was completely happy with it, and that was just last year. 
This year I've had to do a little weeding here and there but, overall it take up little of my time.

My favorite part being... my irises. 
I've acquired three different kinds of irises.
Purple and White, Purple and Yellow, and White and Yellow.

The White and Yellow Irises are a nice surprise this year! Our property is skinny and long, so our garage sits in the middle of it and divides it in half. The front half has the house, garden and swingset and the backyard has a shed and an overgrown yard  (we battle a little every year, but we always lose!) but this year I went back and these were in bloom! (Normally I miss them because we spend so little time back there!)

Every year I love clipping some and bringing them in!
Sometimes they multiple blooms make the stalks snap and I have to bring them in. 
Here they are about a month ago closed...

And then open...

The irises are pretty easy to take care of really, just plant and wait really! Every couple years you have to dig them up and split them. That's on my garden to do for the fall this year too!  

I've always had a green thumb for veggies and am just starting to feel good about flowers.
What's your go-to flower for your yard?

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