
Friday, August 2, 2013

Reads: July 2013

I don't know about you, but there are times where I read, read and read.
Then there are times I have nothing out from the library.

July was a read my little heart out kind of month!

Here is a sampling of what I've read:

The Family Virtues Guide:
A friend posted over on facebook she was reading and implementing some things out of this book.
Sadly, I haven't implemented anything new from it, but I do like how the book is broken down.

Did you know that when cooking in a cast iron pan, it increases the amount of iron in your food?
Wyatt was anemic at his last  dr's appointment so I started cooking with cast iron pans, and I'm loving it so much, I may get rid of my other pans!

This is my book, and I love it! It tells you just how much you can grow/raise (it includes a little about animals) on 1/4 of an acre. Its a good beginners guide, it tells you about pruning, growing, harvesting and more!

(not pictured)
I took this one out of the library just for curiosity's sake. Carter wants chickens, but I'm not sure we can have in city limits, and after reading more in this book... It will be a couple years before we even THINK about it. With three kids under 4, chickens are not in our near future...

A really nice cookbook that focuses on vegetables and not meat. Each recipe does have a side note of what type of meat would be nice with the recipe. But the recipes are all vegetables to encourage more meatless meals. Plus I like the variety of vegetables, think lots of garden grown veggies.

This is a Better Homes and Garden canning book, there are definitely a couple things I am hoping to can out of this book! I'm always looking for new ways to preserve beyond pickles!

Pickles, Pickles and More Pickles. Not as much of a "pantry" as I would have liked. A lot of pickle recipes for things I would already have recipes for, if that makes sense. Cucumbers, Beans, Eggs. Nothing out of the ordinary for me.

Oh my word. Best book I have read in a long time! Jen Lancaster is absolutely hilarious!
I actually received this as a audio book when I requested it because the library did not own a copy, and after listening to it on audiobook I told the library they HAD to buy it. And yes. I took it out and read it too. 

Saw this on an end cap at the library, and grabbed on a whim. Glad that I did. It's the story of Jessica Lynch. It was very well written, and I still cannot believe what she survived.

That's what I've been scouring over. Anything I should add to my library requests?

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