
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Preserves: Just This Week!

While I have been recooping from the week from... well you know.
I've been attempting to keep my sanity.
One way I do that, is turn on some music and get in the kitchen.
And since the garden is booming, it was time to preserve some things!

First up, Pickles. Yum.
Wyatt is a pickle nut! So, I've been pickling here and there for him!
I did some classic cucumbers....

Some dilly beans. 
(not pictured! :) They were eaten already! )
If you have never had a pickled green bean,  you are missing out.
They are by far my favorite! I prefer them over cucumbers!

I wish I could say I grew the carrots, celery and cauliflower. But I didn't.
They were leftovers from a veggie tray that I didn't want to throw out!

and because I hate throwing hot brine out... some green tomatoes.

So for these, they are all the same pickle recipe. 1 tbspn pickling salt, 3/4c vinegar and 1 3/4c water
Add garlic and dill to your liking.
Should I do a full post on pickling? 

I've also blanched and froze 3 lbs of edamame! and 2 lbs of green beans! 

And last but not least, our favorite Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

The cupboards are filling up! 
Are you canning or freezing anything lately?
Any awesome canning recipes your willing to share? 

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