
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Crochets: Bow Cowl

You guys are not going to believe this!
 I actually sat down and crocheted something!

I feel like the last time I sat down to knit or crochet and finish was when I was pregnant with Ellie!
And she will be one in November! Eek!

Anyways, back to the cowl!
This was a sitting on the couch, don't want to pay attention type crochet.

I made this is two pieces, the main piece and the bow "knot".
To make the main body, I just made my chain until it was big enough to drape around my neck. 
Then I continued the entire piece with half double crochet. 
It looked like a scarf, until I stitched the ends together (the original plan was to twist and stitch together)
After my ends were together, I crocheted the small piece.
I made my chain a little longer than the height of my cowl, this way it would gather a bit.
I single crocheted the small piece to give a little bit of a variation.
Lastly, I wrapped the small piece around my cowl seam and stitched together and to the cowl.

I was so happy with how this came out, I started another project already.
And no. My sweater is not done. 
Ran into some "issues" and the lace I have to pay attention to my stitches. 
So I put it aside for now.

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