
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Grows: Frost Protection

Ugh. Mother nature needs to stop teasing us here in Upstate NY.
The last couple weeks have been warming up beautifully, then the past two nights there have been frost warnings. Boo!

While it has been warm our "orchard" has been blossom-ing it up! 
One out of two peaches, two out of three apples and three out of four blueberries have blossoms & buds! So when I heard frost, I started to panic. Last year a frost damaged our blueberries so we got very few, and in the end one of our bushes didn't make it, and had to be replaced this year. 

To help protect the blossoms and buds I went the good old wrap it in plastic route. 
Yes. It was a pain. But opening those bags up in the morning and see no damage made it worth it! 

Since we have baby trees an are able to cover them with garbage bags that is what I did. In a year or two I will have to get some tarps.  To start, I just pulled a bag over the top of the tree/bush as far down as it would go ( be gentle or you will damage the tree!) then I took another bag, and slit the bottom out so that I could go over the first bag and pull it farther down. 

Not very pretty, but it worked!

For the tree above, I used three bags. One on the tall right section, one for the left section and one for the bottom.

Here is is all safe and sound! With no frost damage! Yea! 

I even used my greenhouse over my irises just in case as they were ready to open any day now!

How has the weather been near you? Having to protect your garden too? 
Or is the wintery weather behind you?

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