Now, that Christmas posts are out of my system. I am looking forward to the New Year, and with the New Year comes reorganizing! At least that's something I am looking forward too!
Over the summer, we built our pantry, and even though it was in pretty good shape. My mother thought it needed some help. So one day she picked up a bunch of cute organizers to help me out.
Back when we finished the pantry...
(As much as I wish it could have stayed this empty.. It was built for a reason... Storage!)
Here's what it looks like now.
The left side is pretty self explanatory, canisters and spices on the bottom, cutters on the middle, and miscellaneous in the drawers.
The right side bottom has my cleaning caddy, and my meal planning binder. The middle has a container for onion and potatoes, and the top is my huge pile of potholders.
The tippy top shelf (not pictured) holds my crock pot, meat slicer and turkey roasting pan.
I even tucked a few of the cubes in our chest freezer to corral like items, meat, frozen soups etc.
I am so grateful to have gained this small space! It has definitely helped with some of my kitchen clutter! Overall I think the pantry is organized, maybe next I will tackle the entire kitchen?

I like the idea of using the cubes in the freezer! It's always frustrating when a slippery bag of something comes tumbling out of the freezer when you open the door.