Sometimes, I feel like a super geek when I am super duper organized. Here is a case in point.
After seeing a garden planner ( which I now cannot find) over on Clean Mama, I decided to make a table in Word to map out when I should be harvesting my garden, especially since I doubled or even tripled the size of my garden this year.. I've never done this before, and it was super excited to see what should be ready any day now. ( I just sat down last night and calculated when to harvest or enjoy my blooms).
Well, once I plugged everything in I started changing the colors, and the font. And had way to much fun with it. There's a second page to but I didn't want to bore you all. And see the -- next to the Hollyhock's bloom date? Well, thats where the black thumb came in. Not bad one out of two pages worth of plants!
Now, I am already thinking how I can jazz this up some more. I'm thinking about going outside and figuring out what plants come back (perennials) and making a chart so I know when they bloom, because I am terrible about that! Yup, there goes my inner geek again, overthinking something so simple. Sigh.
How are your garden's growing?
PS. I picked my first batch of green beans last night, and we've been enjoying our blueberries and strawberries for weeks now!

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