We bought our house in January 2007, and still to this day I am figuring out to live here.
Reason number one, I lived at home until we bought our house! So no apartment trial run here. I jumped in feet first with my now husband.
Reason number two, when we moved in we had a small closet in our dining room ( it's now my craft closet) and our closet in our bedroom. That's it. Now we added a closet in the boys' room.
But other than that storage is tight.
Problem: random dishcloths, steam mop cloths, and pot holders. I don't really have a good place for them. I've tried baskets, drawers you name it. But the other day I had an epiphany! Hang them. Duh. But not in the way or in plain site.
Enter this week's lifesaver: my cabinet doors.
I hot glued clothespins to them! I used hot glue incase the clothespins break and need to be replaced. The hot glue will pop right off. No damage to the cabinet door!
Much better.
Then I went crazy...
I now have 4 under my kitchen sink and 4 under my stove top ( where my pots and pans live!)
*Please don't judge the color of my cabinets. In a dream world, they would be painted. *
**But this is up for debate between hubby and I!**

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