Wednesday, April 29, 2015

{Makes} Zoodles

Okay, now that my computer is up and running...
It's time to get back into the swing of things!

To start off easy, I wanted to share these Zoodles with you.
Ever hear of Zoodles?
Zucchini Noodles?

With garden season on its way, I foresee these being on the table a lot this summer!
They are a simple addition to any meal!

Now, you can go out and purchase a Vegetable Spiralizer, or like me use a mandolin.
I used the smaller french fry setting on my mandolin and it worked like a charm!

So, now you may be wondering how you can prepare them...
 You don't need to cook them, but I prefer to warm them up.
I just turn on a pan, get it warm, and toss them for a couple minutes.

I've had them with a tomato and meat sauce, yum!
I've had them with scrambled eggs, double yum!
Or, I had them warmed up with garlic and herb goat cheese, triple yum!

Have you ever had any kind of vegetable noodles?
I'm trying to decide what else I could use this way!

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