Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sick of Raw Tomatoes?

Me too, want to do something different then eating them raw, or on a salad? Me too!

Here's what I did! Slow Roasted them. YUM!

On a cookie sheet I spread out my cherry tomatoes, and some grape tomatoes, with red onion, basil, salt and pepper. I cut the bigger tomatoes in half, and pricked the rest with a knife, so they didn't explode!

Then I turned my oven on 250' for a couple hours, it made the house smell awesome! And it didn't heat up the kitchen, if I were to use 350' or more!

Here's what they looked like after roasting:

We used some right away on top of chicken, which was really great. But still had some left. So I put them in a jar, with oil. And am keeping them in the fridge so they don't spoil!

What would you do with these? I am drawing a blank other than chicken!  

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