Monday, March 21, 2011


Seemed like such a random day, and to keep it even more random I made stock. If this can even be considered stock. Clearly it isn't chicken stock, but I guess Vegetable Stock would be sufficient name!

I had some veggies that were getting kinda yucky looking, so I thought what can it hurt.


After a quick clean, and a rough chop I threw onion, celery and carrots in a kettle with a little bit of butter to get it all started.  After a couple minutes, I threw in some chicken broth ( to make it truly vegetable, just omit it)  and water.

Yum! Stock!

It tasted great, I even at it like a bowl of soup!  Now it's off to my freezer to wait for a nice chicken soup kind of day, and half the work is done!

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