Friday, January 20, 2012

Lifesavers: Leftovers to Soup

Another tip to save you time, money and some frustration!

Do you ever find yourself looking at vegetable leftovers and have to think about if you want to throw them out, or put them in the fridge hoping someone eats them?  

I do. Almost every night! I make vegetables with dinner every night and there is almost always a small amount left, not enough to save for even one serving for the next night, but enough to feel bad about wasting.

Not anymore!  I love to make soup, I could eat it every day. So I decided why not freeze all the little leftovers so that when it's full I have the veggies for soup?

I just took a freezer safe container, and threw in the leftover corn from after last nights dinner, and popped it in the fridge. As I was prepping to put dinner in the crock pot ( I love that thing!) I had some extra onion leftover. I threw that in there too!  

Now, when my container is full of veggie goodness I will heat up my soup pot with some olive oil, throw this in and add broth to make an almost instant vegetable soup!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! Do you have to freeze or chill the 'new' additions separately before adding them to the tub? :)x


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