Now that Wyatt is already over a month old, we are starting to get somewhat into a groove. While we are getting Wyatt into a groove, I feel Carter is taking advantage of not having one on one time. I try my best, but felt a routine was in need. So after seeing some routines online I decided to come up with my own.
I loved how Jen at IHeartOrganizing made a spreadsheet, and color coded it.
So I sat down with Excel and went to work!
I won't print out the routine for a couple days because I knew that it woulod take a few days to get the timing down. But once we get it down, I printed it out and stuck it on the fridge.
Here's what mine looks like so far!
Hopefully next week, it will just be a habit, but I doubt it! One day maybe, next week probably not!
Do you have a routine that works for you?
Do you have a routine that works for you?

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