Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Its December!!!!

Ah! I need to make a killer to do list, like yesterday!
I have so much I want to accomplish this month!
First, I need to update my advent calendar.
Umm. How was I supposed to hang the ornaments...Ooops!
Then, I need to take our Christmas picture!
Or is it I need to shop/figure out their outfits? Then take the picture!
Oh yea. That's it!
Here's our card recap, all our past cards in one place!
Some more crafty than others!

 Then I need to pull out the rest of my decorations!
Or, how about all of them. Especially these ornaments, I love them. 
I typically have my Christmas tree up on Black Friday.
This year not so much, since I hosted my very first Thanksgiving!


Anyone else feeling behind this year?
I swear I thought with one out of three kids in school I would be onthe ball. Not so much.
Oh well. Guess I better get digging through my Christmas decorations, and find the tree if I want to take the kids pictures in front of it!

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