I decided that I wanted to do some blown out eggs that I could keep for next years decorating. So I started to blow out some eggs, and man is it hard! So.. I almost gave up but then it hit me! My vacuum has a spot where you can switch the hose and blow. Hmmm. Could it be too good to be true? Nope! It worked. Yes. I am confessing that instead of attempting to blow the eggs out, I took and used my vaccuum hose!
All I did was, using a nail ( My sister does these every year, and she helped me get started) I slowly turned it until it pierced one end, and then repeated it on the other end. I actuallly did all my eggs, and then got my vacuum out. I put the egg right on the end of the hose held on tight and turned the vacuum ( with my toe!) and it worked like a charm! I got my whole dozen blown out in a couple minutes, with one explosion. I think I squeezed to tight and was wearing the egg. But oh well it was the last one!
Here are some pictures of my eggs!

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