Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pincushion and Jar!

Recently, I realized that I am a Jar-aholic. I keep all my glass jars from food, and I buy canning jars ( I do can, and pickle so it's not that bad).  But I just love how they can be used for EVERYTHING!

After seeing these great pincushions, I decided that I needed one. Seeing as I don't have a pincushion but a pin dish. And it doesn't work so well!

Cute, Right?
Simple? YES!

Take a piece of fabric bigger than your lid, stuff some fluff inside the fabric, pull through your ring.

Add hot glue to lid, tuck and pull and attach as needed. 

Screw lids onto jars, add pins, and doo-dads inside the jars. 
Making everything in reach!


  1. Very cool and creative project!



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