Friday, April 8, 2011

Yarn Egg Wreath

What do you think of my yarn eggs on my wreath? I feel like I want to add something a little more but haven't found the perfect something.

I only made enough (so far) for my wreath but these would be cute in a bowl also!

Here's what you need:
Plastic Easter Eggs
Tooth Picks or Skewers
Safety Pin
Hot Glue, Or Elmer's Glue


If you want your eggs for a wreath, and need a pick in the end, start here. If not skip to wrapping your yarn.
Take your safety pin and poke a hole in the bottom of your egg.


Insert your tooth pick or skewer.


Starting with a dab of glue, start wrapping your yarn. Here is my vertical egg started.
Every couple wraps add a dab of glue.


Continue until your egg is complete!  End with some glue too.


If you like a more random yarn egg, start with a dab of glue and wrap all over.


Continue until your egg is covered, and end with glue. I found this egg lost its shape a little.

Now, the most difficult egg ( in my opinion) the horizontal.  I ended up working from the top to the middle with one yarn and glue.


Then worked the bottom to middle with another piece of yarn.


Put them all together and what do you get? Another quick and easy interchangeable wreath!  Here was my fall, and winter wreaths!



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