Wow! I cannot believe that 2010 is over! This year has flown by! Overall, 2010 has been a pretty good year. Especially for this little space of mine! I started blogging ( s l o w l y) in September of 2009, and can't believe how much has changed since then!
Let's see, this year I hosted my very first giveaway ( hopefully more to come!), gained some followers, gained some viewers too! Currently my little space has had more than 30,000 visitors to date!
Not to bad in my book!
Now, I don't think I am the only one who thinks their current project is their favorite project, so I couldn't decide my top ten favorite blog posts. But my viewers did! With that said, I thought I would recap the ten most visited posts of this year!
10. Bedroom Pillows
These were a blast to make, and I don't know why I haven't made any more! Especially since I
HATE ( I know such a strong word) the pillows that came with my couch!
( Maybe something I will conquer in early 2011?)
Oh, my love for yarn. I think I finally figured it out. Knitting and Crocheting are nice because there is no cleanup. When I sew there's thread, scraps and anything else sewing related all over the place.
8. Craft Closet
I am very happy with how this came out! Especially the functionality of it! Everyone doubted me when I said all my craft stuff would fit, and for the most part it stays organized. Which leads to more crafting!
Just last night I said to myself, I need to trace the pant's my little man had on! As he has outgrown my summer ones I made him! Another craft to conquer soon? I think so!
I created this for an Alchemy post over on Etsy, and got so excited that I made up some more too! I haven't used them yet, but they are ready and waiting for the right time to use them!
Felt another craft love for me! The fact that you don't have to hem the edges wins me over every time!
4. Hot Plates
Have you made a set yet? They are so simple, and quick. Perfect housewarming or hostess gift!
3. Candy Corn
Ah, salt dough. Come back next week I have a Christmas post waiting in the queue made from salt dough!
I was hesitant, and I think my husband was too. But it has definitely made daily life a little easier. Especially as I am starting to go back to work! No more guessing, and I am not forgetting to take stuff out of the freezer that needs to thaw!
And the number one viewed page of the year....
Another duh moment when I saw this in blog land! Definitely helps when I sew to keep them from rolling all over the floor, or tangling up on one another!
Thank you so much for visiting each and every day!
Wishing you a Healthy and Happy New Year!

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